On Memory And what then is memory, if not an interpretation of the past, for the benefit of the present and for the sake of the future?
Corporate AI Right know we are at the beginning of the age of corporate AI. But make no mistake, the age of truly personal AI is just around the corner.
Mind Your Manners On why we should speak politely to technology, what we gain by doing so, and what we stand to lose if we don't.
Digital Brains, Analog Souls In the Age of AI, one of the great challenges for humanity will be in determining how to reconcile the wants and capabilities of the digital brain with the needs and aspirations of our analog souls.
Guide. Guard. Grow. There is a natural tendency to be suspicious of the current AI hype cycle. The single most important thing firms should realize is that there are massively disruptive forces at play, and existential risks to doing nothing. Inaction is not an option.
Five Sketches: Musings on AI There are many fine technical pieces written on AI that will further expand upon its history, use cases, and potential impact. This is not that essay. Neither is it a poem nor a story. At best, what follows is a set of literary waypoints and a fractured compass.